ESSIE BURKE | Human Interest | CONTACT
A professional woman from a gentrified inner-city suburb has revealed she adds excitement to her life by dating emotionally stunted men, new social media posts reveal.
Melanie Wiggs-Smythe, 33, said she sabotaged her otherwise comfortable middle-class existence by avoiding mature men seeking a long-term relationship.
“I have a great job and a lovely apartment with an exorbitant rent – the only thing missing is the frisson of emotional tyranny,” Ms Smythe told 500 of her closest Facebook friends.
“I prefer the challenge of trying to change men who do not want monogamy to the predictability of a stable relationship that has a future.”
Ms Wiggs-Smythe, who also posted an Instagram photo of her at yoga with an inspirational caption about snug-fitting activewear, said she was disappointed “nice” men would occasionally disguise themselves as emotional cripples to get her number.
“I’ve been burnt before,” the mid-level management consultant admitted.
“Now I just wait to see if they text promptly after the first couple of weeks. If they do they are immediately on the ‘no’ pile.”
At the time of going to press Ms Wiggs-Smythe was in an ill-defined “relationship” with a 42–year-old roadie who disappeared on work trips for extended periods of time.
“He said his phone broke and I might not hear from him for a couple of weeks,” she said.
“It just feels right.”
Ahh, I’m a roadie …..still trying to get that phone sorted and the tat got infected, so I’m currently seeing the nurse so it all ok. She said not to get too active or the ink will run so I am still in bed under supervision…….should surface by Christmas, I miss you.