The nation’s Federal Opposition leader has this week hit the unofficial campaign trail to remind everyone that he’s ‘tough.’
Tough on borders, tough on the economy, tough on crime, and tough on people who say mean things about him on the internet.
That reminder from Peter Dutton about his ability to firmly rule the country, comes as the Liberal Party unofficially launched its attempt to win back government in this year.
Spruiking the very fruity LGABOT Slogan (Let’s Get Australia Back On Track), the Liberal National Coalition are going all out to try and convince everyone they are STRONG and Labor is WEAK.
Nestled in the backdrop of an ongoing cost of living crisis driven by corporate profiteering and ‘free-market’ exploitation of our resources and housing, Dutton has confirmed he’s keen to pitch his wares as the strong hand who can steer us through rough seas.
This comes despite the man who wants to be the next Prime Minister spending huge amounts of money and time pursuing a refugee activist from Twitter who tweeted a very and nasty tweet message poor Pweter.
The prolonged court case ended with the activist winning his appeal – something which made Strong Man saddddddd.
However, not one to dwell, the man whose scared of standing in front of a flag is pushing on with his tough guy leadership pitch.
“Grrrrr,” said Dutton, flexing in front of our reporter.
“Brown people, poor people and young disadvantaged people will have no place to hide under my watch!”
“I’m going to get this country back on track by sorting out the people responsible for our ills.”
More to come.