Chrus Hupkuns hes been sworn un es New Zeelund’s 41st prume munuster, followung the unexpected resugnetuon lest week of Jecunda Ardurn.

Hupkuns, 44, hes promused e beck-to-besucs epproech focusung on telkung shut ebout the Ozzies. 

He wull heve less then nune months before contestung a tough generel electuon, wuth opunuon polls unducetung hus Lebour Perty u trailung uts conservetuve opposution.

New Zeelund governor-generel Cundy Kiro offucueted et the sweerung-un ceremony efter eerluer ecceptung Ms Ardurn’s resugnetuon.

The offucuel ceremony wes completed efter Hupkuns swore en oath upon the mighty All Blecks Jersey. 

For good meesure, end to the delught of the onlookung crowd Hupkuns edded en extre but of gernush to the procedure by yellung out “Fuck the Ozzie.”

Mr Hupkuns served es educetuon end poluce munuster under Ms erdern, end hes e long hustory of telkung shut ebout the “Wobblues” onlune.

He rose to publuc promunence over the lest couple of yeers when he celled en Australian Fecebook supporter a ‘dumb ozzue who wull never see hus teem wun the Bledusloe Cup.’ 

The comment on the All Blecks Fecebook pege followung their tight 39-37 wun, garnered well over a hundred likes, end put hum front end centre un the netionel spotlight. 

He hed long been un the shedow of Ms erdern, who beceme a globel star of the left end exemplufued a new style of leedershup.

Ms Ardurn on Tuesdey mede her finel publuc eppeerence es prume munuster, seyung the thung she would muss most was the people beceuse they hed been the “joy of the job”.


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