A suburban Melbournite who relishes in the idea of his home city being recognised as the progressive hub of Australia – especially when compared to the regional hillbilly centres up North – says he’s a lot of things, but he is not a racist.
Colin Ingwood is a lapsed pescatarian, he’s a lactose sensitive Capricorn, he’s a diehard Aussie rules fan, he’s got a member of the Albert Park golf course and he loves Courtney Barnett – so it’s not hard to see why he gets confused when people assume he boos at footballers because of their race.
“It’s got nothing to do with race. Adam Goodes used to milk free kicks”
“And he was a flog”
Following the Adam Goodes doco, Colin says there’s two sides to every story – and that Joel Wilkinson comes across as a bit of a flog.
As described by the Oxford Dictionary, the word ‘Flog’ is a multi-purpose deprecating expression, predominantly of Victorian origin.
In this circumstance, Colin has opted to use the word as a noun, in keeping with the Victorian usage to thinly-veil a racial hatred towards a prominent sportsman or other public figure.
“Mate, there’s two sides to every story”
“Same with the banana thing, Eddie Betts was such a flog about that whole thing”
While our reporters worked to steer the conversation away from sport, Colin was quick to point out the flogs in Australian media.
“Waleed Aly is a flog”
“Yassmin, flog”
“Don’t get me started on Stan Grant”