A local homeless guy’s dog let out a visible tear after seeing a status-driven toy dog that was only purchased for Instagram photos.
The unhoused yet very well-loved dog, Mungo, was yesterday confronted with the grim reality that millions of purebred dogs face every day after witnessing a Pomeranian stuffed halfway down a Gucci bag worn by a lady in the middle of a vicious argument with her on-again, off-again boyfriend.
As the lady walked past Mungo and his owner, the two dogs locked eyes for a brief moment. Mungo was touched by the tragic moment in a way he never thought possible.
The 8-year-old dog, which appears to be some sort of Kelpie hybrid, was heartbroken by the conditions of the Pomeranian.
Mungo, living the dream of being outdoors all day, constantly petted by his owner and eating nothing but fresh leftovers, struggles to comprehend how lucky he is when he looks at other dogs who only get 30 minutes outside each day, endure days of neglect, and survive on a diet of dry dog food pellets.
The confronting realisation yesterday has triggered Mungo to start his own charity in support of his fellow canines who have found themselves in unfortunate situations, stuck inside human homes.
He hopes that the charity can raise awareness among other street dogs about the harsh realities faced by overpriced purebred dogs on a daily basis.