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Local woman, Prue Salman, experienced what’s known as NFI Disorder this weekend after hearing her builder say something about a spirit level, a bubble and a wall while giving her an update on her apartment renovation.

NFI, short for No Fucking Idea, is a disorder that can affect anyone, with victims usually showing signs of vagueness, dizziness, repeating themselves and slow nodding of the head.

During her site visit this morning, Prue experienced a textbook example of NFI Disorder as her builder explained there’s a delay in building because a wall isn’t level, which he then went on to show by holding up his spirit level.

According to the builder, this is when Prue’s symptoms started.

“Mate, her eyes just glazed over and she started nodding along, but there was no one home”

“She had no fucking idea, that’s for sure”

The Advocate reached out to Prue to see if she had any recollection of the episode, or if her brain wiped it from her memory.

“Oh my god, no I completely remember”

“Do you think they knew I had no idea what they were talking about?”

“I’m also at a point now where I just want it done, don’t confuse me with all this tradie mumbo jumbo, just call me when it’s over.”

It’s believed the builder was very understanding and didn’t draw attention to Prue’s sudden disorder.

More to come.


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