ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

According to the nation’s peak scientific body, the times when you should listen to what politicians have to say are few and far between.

But one of those times is now.

This morning, the Prime Minister, the head of the CSIRO and representatives from the various health authorities around the country have come together to brand everyone who went down to Sydney’s Bondi Beach ‘a selfish cunt’.

Scott Morrison spoke to the media again this morning from his Cronulla rooftop.

“It pains me to say this but if you went down to Bondi yesterday, you are a selfish cunt. Fuck you and wake up to yourself,” said Scott Morrison.

“Go and look yourself in the fucking mirror and ask yourself if you are OK with spreading a potentially deadly virus to people in the community who, ah, maybe might be a bit more suspectable to it than you,”

“Do not go outside if you don’t have to. Don’t do it. Listen to a fucking doctor. Doctors are worried and they’re feeling overwhelmed.”

The head of the CSIRO, who was also standing on Mr Morrison’s roof, echoed the Prime Minister’s sentiments.

“Turn on your TV and look what’s happening overseas. Italy has had 6000 more cases overnight. Most of them will probably die because the hospitals over there are chockas. Boris [Johnson] has shut the pubs. Trump is one bad presser away from having an episode and we are looking at pictures of Sydney people being selfish and self-centred,” said the CSIRO’s Murray Douglas.

“The beach will still be there in the time after corona.”

More to come.


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