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Clutching at her stomach while she pretends to listen to whatever her friend is saying, local woman Yuri Lee has been keeping a keen eye on the waiters’ exiting the kitchen.

As her dad would say, she was so fucking hungry she could eat the crotch out of a low flying duck.

Though she was never one to be patient in normal circumstances, she was hundred times worse whenever her stomach started gurgling – with one of her biggest pet peeves being indecisive mates who took forever to decide where to eat.

But undoubtedly, the one thing that shit her off more than anything in the word, was whenever friend’s decided to fuck around and insist of taking a photo of the food to post on instagram.

A predicament she finds herself in right now, as the waiter finally drops off multiple shareplates.

“Hang on, don’t eat it yet”, says her friend Chelsea, whipping out the phone camera, “give me a sec.”

Taking a series of photos at different angles, Chelsea decides she doesn’t like the lighting.

“I think it might look better with a flash.”

“Can you move your elbow? It’s in the shot.”

She was able to get exactly one more shot in, before an impatient Yuri pointedly stuck her fork into the centre hotpot.

More to come


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