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Australia’s ambassador to the US, former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, has said the embassy is “ready” for a second Trump presidency.
And he’s going to win back the President’s support the only way he knows how, with a big night at the rippers.
During a speech to the Sydney International Strategy Forum this morning, Rudd said the embassy was “well prepared” for the event of Trump being re-elected to President a second time. This is likely because Kevin Rudd was a former world leader, who also served two individual terms as Prime Minister of Australia.
Many thought that Rudd might have fallen out of favour with Trump, even after deleting the rather critical tweets he had previously posted about the US President.
However, Trump’s new and improved inner-circle are unlikely to go ahead with the reactionary sacking of the only Chinese-speaking white man in Washington D.C who isn’t a spy.
While Rudd’s enemies at NewsCorp work tirelessly to discredit the former PM in the hope that Trump humiliates him by sending him home to Australia, Rudd says he is ready to work closely with the new administration to continue to realise the benefits of what is a very strong economic and security partnership.
And Kevin Rudd remains certain he can repair his complicated relationship with the President-Elect, by taking him out for a good old fashioned night at the peelers.
This will not be the first time Rudd has utilised American strip clubs for his political benefit.
In the lead up to the 2007 election that saw him oust John Howard as Prime Minister, the fresh-faced young Queenslander had agreed to meet up with a senior NewsCorp editor at a bar in New York to discuss the probability of him being elected.
Rudd was then stitched up by arriving at a Manhattan venue that was actually a strip club.
There was nobody from NewsCorp there to meet him, except for a photographer, who took photographs of him entering the adult night spot, that were then plastered across newspapers right across Australia in an effort to ruin the Kevin 07 Campaign.
However, in true NewsCorp fashion, they really misread the room. Rudd ended up winning more votes as a result of this scandal, particularly in his home state of Queensland.”
And it seems Trump might have a bit of that Queensland cattle dog in him as well.
“We’ll sort it out haha” said Rudd.
“Don’t you worry”