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The Federal Government today has officially warned Australians travelling to Colombia not to buy cheap headphones after accused drug mule Cassandra Sainsbury having her plea bargain thrown out by a Bogata judge overnight.

“It is in your best interest to buy headphones before you go on holidays,” said one Department of Foreign Affairs and Trading [DFAT] official.

“Always buy from a reputable retailer and in terms of headphones, you always get what you pay for so spend a little extra and get the over-ear noise-cancelling ones. Trust us, you’ll that us when you get on that plane and it’s silent,”

“But yeah. If you go to Colombia and buy cheap headphones from a dodgy retailer, chances are they’ll be jam packed with cocaine. If you have already bought cheap Colombian headphones, crack them open and double check. If they are empty, you’ve been ripped off.”

However, that warning comes a little late for the Adelaidenese Scorpio.

Ms Sainsbury now faces a trail after her white privilege defence wasn’t enough to convince a judge to accept her plea bargain.

If convicted, the 22-year-old faces up to 30 years behind bars.

More to come.




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