A local bloke and his father have encountered each other in their kitchen, just days away from Australia’s greatest culture war issue. They respectfully exchange a Samurai-esque bow before retreating to prepare for battle—online.
The upper-middle-class suburban family has found themselves divided on virtually all issues since the arrival of online media echo chambers—Australia Day being no different.
Lorry Trenton (26), who previously enjoyed the underage day drinking and festive atmosphere of Australia Day, has changed his views since starting university in the city. He now supports changing the date.
His father, Robert Trenton (58), spent most of his life indifferent to the national day, appreciating it primarily as a day off work. However, in recent years, he has come to believe in what he sees as the truth: a globalist attack on Australia Day. Through conversations with his middle-aged friends on Facebook, Robert now fervently supports keeping the day where it is.
The two have found themselves in a covert father-son cold war, each trying to sway Mum to their “correct” side.
“I just think if it upsets my Indigenous mates to celebrate it, then I don’t see a problem with changing it,” Lorry explained.
His father disagreed.
“Globalists are trying to destroy the nation-state and are weaponising Australia Day to get us one step closer to a one-world government. It’s pretty simple, really,” Robert said.
The pair, who have already spent the lead-up to the public holiday sharpening their verbal swords over nightly dinner debates, are both more than ready for the big day.
“I’m ready to unfollow anyone I see celebrating the day. I’ve also got a bunch of infographics to post the second it hits midnight,” said Lorry.
“I’ve kitted out the house with Aussie flags. I’m ready to attack anyone I see online questioning if it’s appropriate to celebrate on this specific date,” Robert said confidently.
As the day approaches, the lines are drawn, and neither side shows any intention of backing down.
“This family won’t be the same by the end of it,” Lorry muttered as he scrolled through his phone.”
More to come.