After a year of not eating as much as she should and spending most of her commission-based marketing paychecks on public transport and £10 glasses of aperol spritz, Perth girl Sophie Evans says she could only ever live in a big city if she returned to Australia.

“Like Perth is home. But it’s a bit of a country town at the end of the day” she says, with an awkward British tang that Australian girls living in England are known for.

“I guess I kind of realised that I’m a big city girl”

“I’m not coming home for a while anyway with all this Covid stuff. It’s kind of fun over here cause people don’t even seem to care.”

While Sophie admits her experience in the international city has been somewhat stalled by the fact that she could only really afford to share a bedroom with another Aussie girl in a suburb full of Australians, finding a job as a charity-mugger has only really helped her ‘get to know’ the place.

“I’ve kind of gotten accustomed to the food and nightlife of London, yeah?” she says with a weird inflection that doesn’t sound like it’s a statement or a question.

“If I was to move back to Australia…” she says with an assuring tone that suggests she actually has career prospects in the most expensive city in the world.

“… I could only really live in Sydney or Melbourne. All my housemates are from there”

Brisbane is not mentioned as a ‘bigger city’ option.


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