ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A young local person currently living paycheque to paycheque has just laughed today as the world seemingly collapses around her.

Nevaeh Flintlock is laughing because she’s just happy to be live and employed at this point.

She told our reporters that she long gave up on homeownership. Her lack of opportunity and education means finding work outside of a major centre is hard. The 28-year-old is also from a working-class background and her parents are currently unable to simply handball her a house deposit – or use their own to guarantee one that Grace wanted to buy.

“I’m working at a local bar at the moment,” she said.

“It’s slightly above award per hour but I know I’m not getting super or any real benefit at all. My contract is casual. The pub group I work at is a registered training organisation and they’re forcing me to do a Certificate III in hospo. They’re providing the training and everything but it’s all bullshit,”

“There is no training. Along with the high staff turnover here, I’d say the fat cunt who owns this pub is making quite the tax saving. But that’s not going to help my position, is it?”

The broken Cancerian explained that there’s not a lot in her life that she’s looking forward to – but she is thankful that she’s got a job in this economic climate.

“If I didn’t have a job, I’d be fucked. You can publish what I said, by the way. I doubt that fat cunt reads your pro-Labor newspaper. Anyway. Do you think we’re all going to die from coronavirus? I think so. If I get it, I won’t mind,”

“For the time being, it’s best to remain chipper, I guess. Always look on the bright side.”

The Advocate agreed with Ms Flintlock’s sentiments but refused to endorse her ‘slitting her boss’ throat ear-to-ear with a Stanley knife’ motion she put forward earlier in the interview.

More to come.


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