ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A man has both felt old and disappointed to learn the magic of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games has officially died this afternoon as he watched some hipster walk into his pub wearing a volunteer polo.

The greatest games of modern history wouldn’t have been possible without the help of thousands of volunteers, who were allowed to keep their uniform as a souvenir.

Sadly, many volunteers have obviously fallen on hard times and have had to sell their uniform.

Many uniforms have now found themselves in the hands of the inner-city hip youth. Most of which didn’t exist when the Games were on.

The one in particular that walked into The Gelded Seahorse this afternoon looked especially young, said Mark Dexter, who spoke briefly to The Advocate this afternoon.

He told our reporter that he was just minding his own business, having a cold schooner of Coopers, when this ‘young cunt’ walked in wearing a Sydney Games volunteer polo.

“Mate, that’ll just about do me,” he said.

“Look at that bloke. He’s got hair gel in. He’d be lucky to be 20. He’s bought that fucking thing on the internet, I guarantee it,”

“That’s it. The magic of the Sydney Games is dead. It’s now just a hipster meme or whatever you call it. He’d never understand what it was like to get belted in the city, get the train out to the new stadium, watching some track and field, get even more pissed, get the train back to town, walk down to Darling Harbour. Buy some good, honest pingers from some cunt in a park. Eat them, go to Wallaby Bar, get kicked out for headbutting Owen Finegan in the chest. Somehow getting into Cargo then waking up at your mate’s place in Rozelle. Wallet, keys and your Nokia 5165 on the floor next to you. All good except someone’s ripped the extendable antenna out of your phone. Rinse and repeat four times a week,”

“That’s how I remember the Sydney Games. Those days were magic.”

More to come.


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