The heavyweights in the Liberal Party have sat Peter Dutton down today.

After the border cop from Queensland brought the party to its knees last week, the powers that be decided it was time to have a word to the rogue MP.

The President of The Liberal Party Nick Greiner called Dutton into his office this morning.

“One Three Double Ohhh, Six Triple Fiveeee Ohhhh Six,” he sang to the Home Affairs Minister as he walked into the office.

Griener then proceeded to walk Dutton through some pamphlets he had obtained earlier and asked the aspiring leader to please call the National Reading and Writing Hotline to sort out his numerical illiteracy.

“After your inability to count made our entire party look like fools last week, we have made the executive decision that you need to work on that area, okay,” he said to Dutton.

Griener was off course referring to Dutton and his supporters butchering the math on the number of people who supported him in making a leadership tilt.

Griener said to us: “Look Pete mean’s well, and the nature of the beast nowadays seems to be that you don’t wait for power anymore, you just agitate for a few months and then  have a big run at it.”

“But if Pete, or anyone else for that matter wants to cause a fuss and try and wrestle the top job off someone he has to be able to count at a high enough level to make sure that it doesn’t come back to bite him, and us.”


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