In some great news for shared Facebook profiles, the nation’s Gen-Z’s have finally been forced to have a childhood.

This comes after the popular online game Fortnite crashed yesterday, following an asteroid hitting the game, rendering the platform a black hole at this point in time.

News that the game extremely popular among the nations ‘young people’ was down, was initially received rather poorly by the nation’s Gen-Z’s.

Before going down, Fortnite had long been criticised by older people who believed that the game was ruining ‘childhood.’

However, in somewhat of a silver lining, the nation’s pre-teens and teens have now all developed a keen interest in playing outside until the street lights go on, drinking from the hose and getting cuts and bruises from tumbles and falls.

“It’s been incredible,” said an excited childhood expert named Kay Stephens.

“All of the societal issues around our nation’s children have been solved by that Fortnite game crashing,” she said.

“Kids have learnt to respect their elders, get outside and get their hands dirty, and have a childhood!”

“The whole starting fires thing might be a bit a problematic given the lack of action on climate change which has lead to increasingly dangerous bushfire seasons, but we can work on that!”

“But hey, all in all, it’s a huge positive. So lets all floss dance to that!”

It’s not yet known if and when the game will get back online.


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