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There is a dire shortage of labour and skills in Australia, the government and big business can confirm.

More strikingly, there is now an overwhelming consensus emerging within the echo chamber of government and big business that reconfirms this true fact.

To address the problem of their own design, the government will not upskill Australia’s existing workforce or provide secure work to the underemployed, but lift the immigration rate by huge amounts to shore up the workforce instead.

It’s the only way the country can stay internationally competitive, according to the government and big business. Coincidently and completely unrelatedly, labour from overseas happens to be cheaper than labour from Australia.

Or is it related?

A weirdly honest politician told The Advocate this morning that “our big business buddies want access to cheaper labour to raise their profit margin, and migrant labour is the only way to achieve that.”

“Without it, they’d have to pay fair wages while upskilling their existing workforce, probably have to offer nicer work environments, too, cos’ if you’ve grown up here you know you have rights.”

The politician, who prefers to remain anonymous after seeing what the government does to whistle-blowers, freely admitted to The Advocate that the so-called ‘labour and skills shortage’ is just slang for ‘cheaper migrant labour shortage’.

“What’s better for profits, citizens who demand a fair wage and fair work conditions, or temporary visa holders who’ll work for nothing and have fewer human rights?” the man asked rhetorically.

“Let me be clear,” the politician said with the actual intention of then speaking clearly, “human rights are shocking for corporate profits.”

Weirdly, when the honest politician spoke, our reporter saw a golden truth-aura emanate from the man’s body.

It was as if his words vibrated on some kind of truth frequency, making what he said sound simple yet profound.

The weirdly honest politician said when big business claims they want to boost Australia’s ‘international competitiveness’, it’s just slang for saying they want access to the ‘cheapest labour from around the globe’.

The Advocate has never interviewed a weirder politician.


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