It’s been reported that there is a high probability that an almost unrecognisable Dishmatic sponge that has been chilling in the kitchen sink for months will most likely outlive most members of its share-house.
Rumors began last sunday when one resident of the share house, Will Jonas(23), noticed what looked like some sort of slug creature bathing in the kitchen sink area.
“It looked like something out of a sci-fi movie, as I got closer I braced for it to jump at me, then I realised it as just a really old sponge” the inner city man recounted.
It was at this moment that Will, the youngest and newest member of the house, realised that this sponge may be the oldest member of the always changing share-house.
“It dawned on me then and there that the sponge likely has the most seniority in the house, there’s a good chance it will be here well after I leave too.”
While the origins of the sponge remain unknown, the longest living member of the house says that the sponge has an important role to play in the house.
“Look, I don’t know If I was here longer than the sponge but I do know that the sponge is a reminder to anyone that moves in here that we aren’t one of these fancy sharehouses with crazy high standards like flushing the toilet, the newbies need to be reminded of that sometimes” Said Markie (27).
Despite the sponge causing discomfort for literally anyone that goes near it, every member of the house remains perplexed to how they can solve this solution.
“Yeah, everytime I see it I always tell myself Im going to chuck it out, but then I forget” Said Will.
“To be fair I don’t really think about it when it’s not in front of me so I think it’s here to stay”