ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A drift of city working pigs have marked their territory in an Old City District office unisex toilet by pissing on the floor, leaving the seat up and letting the cleaners pick anything up off the floor.

Though there are two women who work on the second floor of LJ Hooker’s inner-city offices in town, they elect to use the bathroom downstairs because the men they work with are grots.

Speaking candidly to The Advocate this morning, one female leasing agent (who asked to remain anonymous) said that there used to be an air of decorum and civility in that unisex toilet – but that’s since ended.

“They’re pigs. All of them,” she said.

“I feel sorry for their partners. I mean, there’s one guy in the office who obviously needs to go and see a doctor. He’s in the hurt locker for 40 minutes twice a day and leaves the porcelain looking like a monochrome Jackson Pollock,”

“Then there’s another bloke who thought it was hilarious at the last office drinks to wave the sanitary bin open then Snapchat himself pissing into it as he laughed hysterically. I mean, what the fuck?”

Our reporter tried to get comment from some of the male agents working on the second floor of LJ Hooker’s Old city District office but all had broken for lunch early at 11 and aren’t expected back until Tuesday.

More to come.


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