The long weekends are a great time for Aussies to get together, spend time with family and learn way too much about each other after a few drinks.

One such unintentional overshare took place after uncle Trent Blipp (56) asked his nephew Taran Blipp (23) if he could roll a smoke for him please.

Although uncle Trent isn’t normally a smoker, he had to put up with the sight of his nephew Taran leaving the living room constantly to ruin some fresh air and after downing some beer and whiskey figured he could use a smoko too.

After accepting his uncle’s request for a bespoke rollie, young Taran accidentally outed himself as a worshipper of the green corn by pulling out a seriously roach-pillaged pack of Tally Hos. 

“You’ve been busy,” joked uncle Trent, finding it rather amusing that his nephew had smoked the fun facts off his papers packet. 

“Looks like you’re almost out mate, gonna be shortening nana’s hose in any second.”

“It’s medicinal,” stated Taran, who does in fact buy it from someone who has that same excuse.

“I need it to get the type of sleep I used to get before I started on cones.”

“Nah it’s all good mate, I won’t tell anyone. Hey? Did you ever see Cheech and Chong?”

At the time of writing, it is believed that uncle Trent is only a few sips of Beerskey away from asking his little nephew if he has any of the goods on him now before faking an excuse for a servo run.


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