The life of a footy mum comes second in struggle only to the life of a cricket mum with the same hat often worn by one very tired and sunburnt woman.

However, all multi-tasking mums know the glorious weekend that lies between the football and cricket seasons that gives them a chance to reflect on why they pushed their kids into sport in the first place.

Such is the case for Betoota Grove mother Angelina Whitby (49) who thought she was to spend The Golden Weekend with a rare sleep in until she heard the doorbell go off.

“I swear if it’s door knockers I’m going to give them something to forgive me for,” stated Whitby as she powered to the front door in her dressing gown.

Unfortunately for Whitby, she was met not by individuals offering God’s eternal salvation but by a local childless couple whom she loathes.

“Great to see you both!”

The couple Shawna and Ian Mateo claimed to be in the area and were stopping by to ask about the fresh coat of paint Angelina is always talking about putting on her house.

“I could hook you up with some samples from the new job,” stated Ian before going into a description of his job that makes under 16s park cricket look like The Ashes.

Not being able to simply murder the individuals that stood on her front door, Whitby told the Mateos she needed to prepare for her son’s cricket game so they would leave.

“Don’t know how you do it every weekend huh!”


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