EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact
A woman who usually hits the gym after work has finally managed to get her arse out of bed to exercise bright and early in the morning, and reckons she now understands what all the fuss is about.
Doing 45 minutes of HIIT, followed by a peanut butter smoothie and a yap session with her bestie Claire, who joined her for this venture, Maleny Phillips, 28, says her little foray into discipline has left her feeling on top of the world and ready to take on the day.
But despite all of this, she has no plans of ever doing it again.
“Look, I always thought morning people were just being smug fucks, but I actually do get it now”, says Maleny, “it was such a slog getting out of bed, but I felt so good afterwards.”
“I felt like I’d achieved so much, and it was only 7am!”
“I felt like one of ‘those people’, you know? The ones who have all the nice workout gear and have their shit sorted.”
“I’m glad I tried it at least once.”
More to come.