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As she awkwardly sits on the couch and watches her boyfriend and his dad interact, local girl Ellen Beeston finds herself witnessing something incredibly strange.

Somehow, the two appear to be having an entire conversation using only grunts and the odd monosyllabic word, and they seem to perfectly understand each other?

This has not only made it impossible for Ellen to jump in, but highlights the stark differences between how she converses with her friends, who she estimates easily fire off 20,000 words a day. 

In fact, they could easily engage in dissertation size conversation discussing the underlying meaning of a single text message.

But as she finds herself trying to understand what on earth the two blokes are saying, Ellen fails to pick up on a single word.

“Uhhh hnnh ahuhuh hmm huhh ugh?”

“Hmmm hmmm uuhhh hurgh.”

“Hahahhahaaha yeah, huuuh eunngh.”


Looking around the room like a startled baby deer as both of the men start raucously laughing, Ellen nervously joins in with a giggle before excusing herself to the bathroom. 

More to come.


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