EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A bloke from Beaconsfield has today found himself getting royally pissed off, after failing to outrun the rainbow that seemed hellbent on following him everywhere.

Scott Watts [54] is alleged to have noticed the vibrant colours trickling in for the past few weeks, whether it was his local gym, bottle shops, or simply trying to do his banking.

And though it can be argued that businesses are co-opting these colours to commercialise LGBT+ and use the ally badge to drum up more business, also known as ‘rainbow washing’, most people have simply rolled their eyes whenever a company has gone overboard, and not taken it as evidence that the ‘gays are taking over.’

This comes as it’s likely the people behind converting Broadway shopping centre to ‘BroadSLAAAY’ are most likely well-meaning, but very straight older millennials.

However, Scott definitely doesn’t see it that way, especially after he was simply trying to watch the news this afternoon, and found himself face to face with ‘another fucking rainbow.’

“Oh for FUCK SAKE”, he growled, watching in fury as the weather lady pointed to a map of a rainbow Australia, “I can’t fucking escape this shit.”

“The whole world has gone woke.”

It’s likely Scott may struggle a bit in the next few weeks, as thousands of excited party goers are expected to descend upon the first state for the global version of Pride, ‘World Pride’, which Sydney is hosting this year.

Turning off his TV with a huff, Scott goes in search for a packet of Oreos he got his wife to pick up, not knowing that they too, have been tainted with the hues of red, yellow, green and blue.

More to come.


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