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Staring at her phone in disbelief, local woman Holly Wren [25] finds herself grappling with some irrational feelings of jealousy.

Her best friend Erin has plans this weekend.

Plans WITHOUT Holly.

As a person who considers herself quite fair, Holly is completely aware her bestie has other friends and that’s perfectly fine, but those fuckers can have a week day. 

“What are plans for the weekend, should we go to Eros Friday night?” Holly had asked.

“Omg I wish but I can’t, I’m seeing Matt that night.”

Fair, Matt is her boyfriend after all.

“No worries, what about Saturday night? Actually that works better as we can do pres at mine for a while, start the night at Shifty’s and then see if Eros has a vibe.”

“Aw babe I’m sorry, I promised Liz I’d hang out.”


Who the fuck is Liz?

“Oh, that’s okay haha.”

It’s certainly not okay. 

“Might be good to have a wholesome weekend instead.”

Yeah fuck that, Tinder it is.

More to come.


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