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Last night Brittany Minkville and her housemates hosted a party for over 150 people at their 3-bedroom terrace in the French Quarter.

The bottles, vomit and other debris make it look more like 3000 this morning.

Reports from the scene indicate that Brit and her housemates are about to commence the clean-up process but can’t until their mate, Carl, gets up off the couch.

Brit, who’s an aggressive Gemini, told our reporters this morning that if Carl wants to pass out on her couch, he can get up and bloody clean.

Not employing a skerrick of consideration, Brit has allegedly started noisily picking up bottles and dropping them into the bin right next to Carl.

However, despite her best efforts at waking him up, it’s understood that he still isn’t budging.

In a further attempt, she then put on some ‘cleaning music’.

“Carl, are you for real?” she finally said.

It’s believed that Brit the gave up on the passive-aggressive approach and jumped straight into full on aggressive waking up techniques.

“Oi!” She yelled into his face.

“Carl! Wake up!”

“Don’t think you can sleep through this clean-up” 

He then stirred, at which point Brit decided to shake him.

“You always do this! Get up and help us clean!”

It’s believed that Carl did end up helping Brit and her housemates with the clean-up, but only for five minutes.

He said he would clean up the front of the house, but actually ordered an Uber and left.

It’s yet to be confirmed whether Brit and her house mates have realised.

More to come.


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