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A bloke who’d originally intended to just get a free pass at his coworker, has unfortunately found out the hard way that his romantic prospects pale in comparison to his girlfriend.

Paul Gabbot [31] tells The Advocate that he’d gotten a bit bored with his relationship but admits he’d never actually tried to do anything to spice it up – instead opting for the nuclear option of suggesting an ‘open relationship.’

“I didn’t want the relationship to end”, he said, referring to his eight year long relationship with Renee, “but I needed to do something different.”

Adding that Renee needed some convincing, Paul admits he played on her fear of losing him to get exactly what he wanted, though it unfortunately did not work out the way he intended…at all.

“She wasn’t keen at first, said she’s always been a monogamous person and open relationships just never appealed to her.”

“But she eventually came around.”

“In hindsight, I wish I’d never suggested it in the first place.”

Though it took some prodding, our reporter learns that Paul’s sudden desire for an open relationship was steered by his new coworker Brea, who he’d been positive was into him.

“She told me to get lost, actually.”

“Said it was ‘inappropriate’ for the workplace.”

“Then I tried Tinder and the fuck? Majority of the women just don’t message back?”

“Now my girlfriend’s gone for half the week.”

“Says she’s seeing this guy called Gavin?”

“I’m so disappointed by her disrespectful behaviour.”

“I want it closed again.”

More to come.


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