Recent polls show that more Australians than ever are still undecided as to who they are going to vote for with just two weeks left before the May 21st election date.

Out of the two-party preferred survey, Australian voters are leaning towards Labor on 50% and the Coalition on 35%, with the remaining 15% still unsure.

This may be a result of the fact that the entire nation has been confused by a media landscape telling them to keep voting for Scott Morrison, a man that has repeatedly let them down over the last 3 years, with very few headlines given to the Federal Opposition or any of their policies.

Other factors include the fact that all of Victoria is still traumatised by over 300 days in lockdown over the last two years of the pandemic, with many rightfully pointing to their state Labor government as the cause of all of their greif.

However, if you’ve turned on YouTube or opened an Australian newspaper lately, then you would be very aware of the fact that there is a third option – for all Australians who are sick of ‘politicians’ and would prefer to vote for a corrupt mining billionaire who is making his 4th attempt at becoming Prime Minister.

Clive Palmer, is once again spamming Australians will billboards and front page ads, vowing to make Australia great again – only this time he has leant into medicial skepticisim and vague calls for ‘freedom’.

With immigration down to zero over the last 3 years due to the pandemic, and ISIS nothing but a distant memory, it seems that Pauline Hanson might be running out of steam – leaving Clive Palmer with even more disenfranchised voters who don’t see any change from the major parties.

Australians are being urged to disrupt the status quo, by voting for a dodgy former property developer turned failed tourism park operator turned unbridled mining magnate that refuses to pay his retrenched workers the wages owed to them from the Queensland Nickel Mine that he shut down to channel money into his $80m political campaign.

Because that’s the way to shake up our democracy! By voting for a man that uses Federal Politics as a stepping stone to opening up more mines with preference deals and lobbying.

And if you are still a bit nervous about voting for this dark horse, just remember, he’s still working for the Liberal Party.

Despite Palmer previously promising the party would preference all incumbents last as part of his concerted campaign against the two major parties, UAP has decided to preference the Liberal Party in all the seats that are going to decide this election – effective delivering Australians more of the same shit. Except this time Scott Morrison owes him a lot of favours – lets open up those mines baby!


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