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A recent report by a lesser known Australian government department has found that what you’re feeling right now is real.
This is the longest January in recent memory.
While the Gregorian calendar remains the same, the first month of 2025 is taking a lot longer to finish than it usually does.
That’s according to a recent government report from the ABTAP (The Australian Bureau Of Time And Place).
“It’s true” says lead researcher, Dr Billy Bonksmoger.
“What we’ve found is that while this January still only has 31 days, thse days are longer, and harder to get through”
“These days still only have 24 hours in each, and each hour still has only 60 minutes to them. But the minutes are longer. Well, they feel longer anyway”
The report finds that with sporadic heatwaves, extremely powerful storms, and the relentless cost-of-living – January 2025 is a month that stretches both pay-cheques and patience.
“Commutes home from work are longer”
“Mundane tasks are also longer. Like cooking dinner. Or watching the news. It’s just a slog”
However, ABTAP are hopefully for time to return to it’s normal length in the next few months, as the winter footballing codes return, and our politicians either lose their job or keep their jobs in the upcoming federal election.
“When the political campaigning stops, life is generally more vibrant and well-paced, regardless of who wins” says the professor.
“But in the meantime, we’ve found that not only is time longer, but so are geographical distances. Has anyone tried to go for a five k run since Christmas”