Queensland’s 2024 State Election race must be tighter than the newspapers are letting on, as the LNP Opposition today stands accused of unprecedentedly dirty tactics in their campaign to win government.
The Opposition is reported to have utilised shady AI technology to produce a fake video of the current Labor Premier on the foreign social media platform TikTok.
The Queensland premier himself, Steven Miles MP, has slammed his opponents for falsifying his likeness with AI technology and has argued that the video “represents a turning point for our democracy.”
Meanwhile, this isn’t the only example of the LNP acting in bad faith in the lead up to the October election.
Even before the most recent smear, it is believed that Miles and his team were already furious with the defamatory rumours that have been circling about his alleged use of steroids and human growth hormones.
Speaking to the media today, Miles said he points the finger directly at the Opposition leader, David ‘Short King’ Crisafulli.
He says he’s willing to put the nasty misinformation to bed with an ASADA-credited drug test to prove that his muscles are ‘natty’ (natural).
It is believed these rumours started in March this year, when Miles was photographed wearing a chesty t-shirt while carrying a garbage bin during a working bee at Dakabin State School in his electorate of Murrumba, north of Brisbane.
While usually hidden underneath a suit during press conferences, the Premier’s physique was on full display with his biceps bulging out of his t-shirt.
The photos immediately went viral on social media, leaving the Opposition at risk of losing crucial votes in the Gold Coast and the suburban FIFO belts.
“I knew Labor was under threat from a Green wave in Queensland, but I didn’t think the LNP were as well” said Miles.
“Because they’ve been hit with a wave of green envy. What kind of world are we living in where a bloke’s gym regime becomes a target for political attacks? I’m maxing well over a buck on the bench and and almost twice my bodyweight on the squats. Most blokes get a pat on the back for going beast mode like I have. But no, not a Labor Premier. When a Labor premier starts shattering PBs suddenly he’s on the peppys (peptides) or tren (Trenbolone).”
“So yeah, let it be known. I’ll go on record to say I’m willing to piss in a cup.”
“And if Crisafulli ever wants to spot me. I’d be more than happy to give him an up close and personal look at my program. Not that he’d be much help on a fail set”