CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact
Until now, the 2025 election has looked like it was going to be a tight race between Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Liberal leader Peter Dutton.
That was, until everyone went back to work and stopped watching summer cricket.
And as Australians turn off Channel 7 for the rest of the year, the opinion poll numbers are shifting once again.
Local swing-voter, Jeremy Singh (36, Betoota Heights), says it feels like the clouds have parted and the sun is shining again.
“Man, it really got quite dark there for a little while”
Jeremy says by the final stages of the tournament, he was ready to vote 1 for Pauline Hanson and 2 for Peter Dutton.
“I’m not usually like that. I’m a health worker. I value the service industry and education.”
“But for a couple weeks there I was completely terrified of youth crime and thought that the Betoota Heights public school was grooming my son to transition into a woman against his will. They really did a job on me”
However upon the conclusion of the Australian tests, Jeremy and his wife have been able to return to reality.
“My wife and I are really embarrassed about the head space we were in during the cricket. We even found ourselves booing Kohli. It’s weird because we are Indian-Australians ourselves…. But for some reason we just felt a deep urge to vilify Indians”
However, Jeremy says it’s not necessarily the loss of Channel 7 news that has de-radicalised his political views, but the inclusion of more balanced media.
“I was really worked up about Anthony Albanese buying an oceanfront mansion for a while there.”
“But now that I’m returning to a less biased media diet, I realise that his house in Copacabana is probably no different in size and aspect to the last three Prime Ministers before him”
“Also, this last week I was interested to learn about the RoboDebt scandal that directly implicates multiple ministers from the Morrison government who have never once commented on it publicly, and has been completely buried by the Australian media”
“I’m reading this explosive new book about the scandal now. It’s called Mean Streak, I can lend you my copy if you wa-“
The Betoota Advocate weas unfortunately unable to include the final few sentences from this interview with Jeremy Singh, due to his comments not being in the public interest.