Liberal MP Andrew Laming has today revealed that he suffers a medical condition that explains all of his bizarre and illegal behaviour – in an effort to convince his own party to pre-select him for another election, in the hope to spend four more years bludging on the tax-payer

The embattled Queensland MP revealed that he has been gifted a mature-aged diagnosis for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – and says that this is the reason why he sexual harasses waitresses and stalks disgruntled constituents on burner Facebook accounts.

He’s also told the Prime Minister he’s now undergoing ongoing treatment for this debilitating condition that he never once thought about despite his own medical qualifications.

ADHD, also known as a ‘bein a bit hypo’ is a mental health disorder that can cause impulsive behaviors. People with ADHD may also have trouble focusing their attention on a single task or sitting still for long periods of time.

Laming believes that the daily medication he now relies on has changed his life, and that as long has keeps off the red cordial – he might be able to continue his political career without committing any crimes against women.

As he prepares to return to work after a month of enforced leave from work following a string of political scandals, he’s described the diagnosis as a “light bulb” moment – and one that many are surprised has only happened just now – especially given how easily identified this condition has been for the last twenty years.

It is not yet known if the Coalition leadership will backpedal on the decision to not sign off on Laming’s pre-selection in his swinging bayside seat in Brisbane’s Redlands – but it’s good to know that the problem is a simple behavioural condition that ten-year-old schoolboys are able to manage, and nothing as scary as a culture of misogyny and sexual entitlement within the ranks of the Liberal Party.


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