Large parts of inland NSW have been treated to a big downpour of Coalition Drought Policy overnight.

In some great news for drought-stricken farmers and communities, the parched areas of the state were blessed with a large batch of the government’s best drought policy.

After a big few weeks of claiming to be working on meaningful drought policy other than publicly stating they hope it rains soon, the Nationals were relieved to see ScoMo finally made it happen.

“Thank the lord for that,” said Nationals Leader Michael McCormack after Bourke got 66 mils overnight.

“That downpour of rain should wash away the whole drought issue for a few weeks at least, and buy us a bit more time to come up with reasons why systematic mismanagement of water usage in the bush isn’t actually our fault.”

“It won’t end the drought obviously, but it should stop people talking about it for a little while.”

“Ask and you shall receive aye,” said the Nats leader about the Prime Minister’s prayers for rain being answered.

One farmer from the Riverina explained to The Advocate today that while he is obviously relieved, he’s starting to get a little concerned that the Prime Minister might be starting to think he’s the rain man.

“Fuck I hope he (ScoMo) and McCormack don’t just leave it at that,” he said.

“I know they believe strongly in their drought policy, but one downpour isn’t going to change much. There’s a long summer ahead.”


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