The new president of the United States has once again proven his commitment to the big issues, by revealing that he will be banning trans individuals from serving in the military.
This comes after Trump confirmed he’ll be unveiling a new executive order that will prohibit trans citizens from sacrificing their lives to help enrich the barons who run the country’s largest companies.
The move will now see Trans people no longer able to head to a ‘third world country’ to destroy its infrastructure, political systems and autonomy to run their economy.
Speaking exclusively to The Advocate, President Trump explained that this is about protecting the right of young working class men and women to ruin their lives in the pursuit of protecting the military industrial complex and the fossil fuel industry.
“These young men have the right to lay down their lives or give themselves debilitating and long term mental and physical conditions without having to worry about a trans person doing the same thing alongside them.”
The move to ban trans citizens will see a grand total of roughly 0.2-3 percent of the military removed from service, completely re-shaping the face of those who serve.
“One by one, we knocking over the issues that effect everyday Americans,” finished the President of the country that ranks 49th in the world for life expectancy and has the highest level of inequality in post-industrialised nations.
More to come.