In some inevitable news which comes as a surprise to no one in particular, Marie Kondo has revealed that ‘she’s kind of given up on tidying.’

The huge admission comes after the birth of her third child, with the Queen of Clean seemingly relinquishing the crown.

“My home is messy, but the way I am spending my time is the right way for me at this time at this stage of my life,” she told the Washington Post.

The popular figure grew to prominence across the globe a few years ago, when she informed people that they actually don’t need anywhere near as much shit as they have to be happy.

Promoting the mantra of ‘Does it spark joy?,’ Kondo was responsible for a world wide de-cluttering movement, which saw the noble volunteers at second hand shops inundated with people’s stuff.

She also offered up ‘easy’ solutions on how to live a tidy and clean life.

However, a couple of years after lecturing people about how to tidy and live their life, Kondo has confirmed that she might have been a little naive.

“Looks like reality has set in aye,” laughed one local mother of three.

“I mean, credit to her for being able to keep the whole clean and tidy thing going for the first couple, but it’s not exactly a surprise that she’s given up on tidying now the real world has come knocking.”

“That reality check sparks joy for me,” finished the local mother who has since filled all of her de-cluttered space with more shit from generic chain stores.

More to come.


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