Father of three Cameron Hughes has embraced tradition today by refusing to throw away a disintegrating 18-year-old football as he believes it will be good to go after a pump.

After his children decided to have a kickaround, Hughes dug out his old footy that he bought back when he had a full head of hair.

Upon discovering the old ball that doesn’t bounce and appears to be holding more water than most people drink at a festival, Hughes began looking for the pump so they could play footy.

“Dad, can’t you just please get the good one off the roof?” asked Hughes’ youngest child Peter.

“That one smells like nana’s house did when we found her.”

Despite the Howard-era football being so worn down it’s now smoother than Hughes’ head, he refuses to throw the ball away because according to him there is nothing wrong with it.

“I’m not getting up on the roof today and we don’t need a new one! This is a good one, back when they made them to last,” stated Hughes as he dropped the footy to the ground with a damp thump.

“Now help me look for the bloody pump!”


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