EFFIE BATEMAN | Lifestyle | Contact
It can now be confirmed that the closest humans have ever gotten to achieving peace was in early 2016, when the entire world united in becoming obsessed with Pokémon Go.
The augmented reality game, which allowed users to locate Pokémon in the player’s real world location, was a smash hit the moment it was available on mobile, prompting everyone from OG Pokémon dorks to people who’ve never had a nerdy interest in their life, to bond over pixelated monsters.
Speaking to a few people who were there in the thick of it, our reporter learns that Pokémon Go really was a special moment for humanity.
“I remember going to Southbank and it was just packed full of people looking for Pokémon”, says Brisbane local, Hugh Manners, 27, remembering the event fondly, “like hundreds of people of all different ages and nationalities.”
“And everyone was talking to each other, and getting all excited because there was a rare Kabuto near the playground.”
“I don’t know man, how did we go from Harlem Shake and Pokémon Go, to…this?”
Another former player, Chelsea Odsey, 30, says she was in Sydney when thousands of Pokémon Go players blocked roads, after news broke that a lot of high powered Pokémon had been spotted in that area.
“I’ve just never seen anything like it. Just so many happy people. Plus it was nice seeing the nerds get some sunshine and exercise.”
“The only other way I can see humanity getting over their political division is by uniting against a common enemy, like an alien invasion, Pacific Rim style.”
More to come.