Despite not feeling the need to poison his body every half hour, local bloke Jake Longhurst (27) is putting himself through the same uncomfortable paces that all of his smoker friends do.

Jake says he’s very glad he has never known what it was like to have smoking inside pubs, but the downside is that nomadic nature of his mates while in the pub.

“They move around a fair bit” he said.

“They’ll just stop mid-conversation and walk out to smoking area”

“Sometimes if it’s busy and we are at risk of losing our table, I’ll stay inside by myself. But if it’s a big session, they can sometimes forget I’m here”

With Winter still lurking in the air, Jake says life is a lot harder.

“It’s warm inside the pub, that’s why I didn’t bring a jumper. But the place is empty so I’m not just gonna sit inside alone”

“I usually have to join them. It’s so fucking cold. They just don’t realise it because they are so caught up with their fix. I’m freezing my arse off here”

Despite the fact that everyone knows he doesn’t smoke, Jake’s mates offer him a cigarette as a token of their appreciation of him joining them.

“You right, mate?” asks one mate.

“Nah. I’m all good. Just finish up” says Jake with a big sigh.

“It’s pretty cold hey”


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