ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

Waking up late on Sunday morning with the smell of sin still fresh on his breath, Troy Liston noticed that his phone, keys and wallet were neatly placed on his bedside table.

“It’s something that drunk me does as a favor to hungover me,” explained the 28-year-old insurance salesman. “Just something to put me at ease.”

However, it slowly began to sink in that his prized Bailey Nelson sunglasses, which he openly refers to as ‘his Baileys,’ didn’t make the trip home to North Bondi with him the night before.

This is the fourth time this summer that the out-of-control Scorpio has lost a pair of sunglasses – something that his mates will be quick to point out.

“At least they weren’t Ray-Bans,” explained the brand-conscious Bondi fuckboy. “I’d be in the poor house if I lost four pairs of Wayfarers. God, I swear I’m only two trips back to the Bailey shop from them knowing me on a first-name basis.”

Speaking to The Advocate this afternoon via Skype, Liston tried to articulate how he’d actually lost four pairs of sunglasses in just two months – but ultimately failed.

“I can’t tell you how I lost them, each time I was next level. Blinder than a bat in a broom closet. But I can tell you that I love shopping for new ones, it feels like a new beginning.”

The Advocate then terminated the interview, telling Liston that he needed to wake up to himself.




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