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Standing on the footpath outside their favourite cafe, Blanche and David Hickmore have just strengthened the bond with other members of their affluent Betoota Valley community. Not for some neighbourly reason, but because an unnecessarily loud motorbike has just roared past and momentarily inconvenienced their conversations.

Without saying a word, each person at the cafe stopped what they were doing and stared at the motorbike as it rode off into the distance. It’s understood that before turning back to their individual lives, the neighbours all shared a look that said: “that is so unnecessary, what is someone like that even doing in our neighbourhood and thank god he’s fucked off”.

While seemingly a lot to share with one look, Blanche explained to the Advocate that looks like that are the glue that holds their community together.

“If it wasn’t for the loud motorbikes, we wouldn’t be here having this conversation”

“Everyone’s hatred would be channelled towards us”

“We’re the outsiders in Betoota Valley, we’re a Volvo surrounded by Mercs [sic]”

“So, yeah, while we’re grateful for the motorbikes, we have to hate them to fit in.”

It’s understood that loud motorbikes are up there with the top community binding adhesives, with bitching about yappy dogs and people who leave the bins out a close second.

The Advocate is currently tracking down the rev head bikey to see if he’s aware of his impact to the rich community. Although it’s pretty safe to say in the meantime that he does not give a shit.

More to come.


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