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In an exclusive interview with a popular gossip magazine, a stunning and wealthy A-lister has revealed what gives her confidence when she’s having one of those less than perfect days!
Speaking to Beat TV, Oscar winning actress Jennifer Dawson, 25, spoke candidly about her journey to self discovery, and why being beautiful and talented isn’t as wonderful as it seems.
“Honestly, if I could give anyone advice, it would be to stop comparing yourself to others”, says Jennifer, “everyone’s journey is so different.”
“It’s not about having the perfect body or being the prettiest person in the room.”
When asked, “What’s the secret to being confident?,” the star, dressed in a designer ensemble that likely costs more than the average person’s yearly salary, took a thoughtful pause before responding.
“It’s about knowing your worth, setting boundaries, and not letting anyone else define who you are.”
“Nourish your mind and your body.”
“That’s why I meditate and make sure to always take the time out of my day to practise gratitude.
Shifting in her seat as she crossed her legs, which were famously insured by Gillette for $2.5 million, Jennifer adds that it’s also important to say no to things that don’t bring you joy.
“I started saying no to things that didn’t serve me,” she explained, “I put myself first, and I learned to appreciate the person I am—not just the person people see on the screen.”
“Anyone can be confident.”
More to come.