ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

As the #DeleteFacebook movement grows in momentum, so too has another.

Thousands of disgruntled and unhappy Facebook customers have deleted their accounts in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal whereby the transglobal social media network stands accused of allowing private research firms harvest their data for commercial gain.

But those who have deleted their accounts no longer have a place to have their opinions and thoughts validated with likes and comments.

“I’m beginning to regret my decision,” said Gert Owston, a 33-year-old law clerk living in Betoota Heights.

“Yesterday morning, I doubled down and deleted my profile. Now I’ve only got Instagram and Twitter – but I’ve been so inactive on both of those that I never get any likes for anything I post,”

“So I’m fucked. I bet I don’t get invited to anything anymore. When was the last time you got a physical invitation to something that wasn’t a wedding or marriage related? Never.”

Owston admits thoughts of quietly reactivating his account have crept into his mind but he’s remaining steadfast to the cause – for now.

Speaking candidly to our reporter, he said that if he starts missing baits to drinks parties and the like, he might have to come crawling back.

That and he no longer has access to the ability to be half-pissed stalking a coworker’s profile as he tries to fall asleep.

“The issue is that I’ve told everyone I’ve left Facebook, which in hindsight was quite stupid,” he said.

“Fuck it, I’m reactivating it.”

More to come.



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