The brief four-week lull between the conclusion of both the AFL and NRL football seasons and the start of Summer cricket has resulted in some bizarre conversations about life and adulthood, a local publican has confirmed.

Brad Coughton, a 20-year licensee of the Lord Betoota Hotel, says this time of the year gives the punters a much needed break from live sporting broadcasts.

“They all say that they are bored, but secretly they love it” he says.

“You get a good 4-5 weeks completely void of professional sport. The blokes need it. They end up talking about their kids and their parents. It’s really quite refreshing”

While Coughton says there are a lot of tears and often a bit of ‘argie-bargie’ as grown men, and occasionally their female peers, unwillingly take part in an unavoidable patch of human thought and discussion – he says that it’s very important.

“The Spring Carnival gives them a bit of a boost in this November downtime, but for the most part they are forced to base their alcoholism and socialising around conversations about real life,”

“Two of the blokes that drink here have gotten divorced in the last 12 months and I didn’t even know. I see them everyday and I had to wait until the Grand Final was over for them to tell me”

With test cricket starting in less than six hours, it seems the punters are going to have to wait until next October to finish their current train of thought.



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