Nigel Latham, the oldest son of Mark Latham has today apologised to both the family of the late Dr G Yunupingu, as well as the Australian public in general for the former Labor leader’s offensive tirade of old white man thoughts.

The 28-year-old homosexual saxophonist says his dad’s entire social media presence is actually just made up of things he’s been trying to google search.

“His tweets might come across as a bit a rude or insensitive” says Nigel.

“That’s because he’s an ageing undervalued white man who’s legacy was ruined by John Howard and that L-plate campaign”

“He hasn’t really recovered and he’s taking it out on the most vulnerable”

Labor leader Mark Latham has again been branded “offensive” after a bizarre lunchtime series of posts from his Twitter account saying he didn’t know a “single person” who knew who Dr G Yunupingu was.

Mr Latham, who was sacked from his role with Sky News earlier this year, accused the ABC of being “obsessed with farewelling this guy who passed away in July”.

Latham’s other son, Majarkie, a trans-activist formerly known a Sarah, says his dad was actually attempting to research Rosie Batty when he started firing off tweets about her son.

“I hope that was the case anyway”

“He often offends me behind closed doors, but I think he’s got a bit more tact than to just throw whatever brain fart he has out there to hurt people he’s never met”

However, despite the embarrassment that their once proud political operator father has become, the sons say parking him in front of a TV with a twitter account is going to cost them all a lot less than nursing home.


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